Psalm 46:10

Psalm 46:10

Be still and know that I am God
Be still and know that I am
Be still and know
Be still


Be is about being.  Be is about being with you.  The verb “to be” in all of its forms.  When Moses asked you who to tell Pharaoh who it was who sent him – you said – tell him I AM sent you.  There is no higher form of the verb to be than the great I AM.  Being is about existence.  I am is a present tense form.  You are always the I AM – you are there in the present.  To be is to exist – to live.  You have made us man and woman – but we are called human beings.  We are not human doings – although it seems sometimes like our lives are filled with doing.  You created us in your image – if you are the great I AM – then maybe I am the small “i am”.  Our being is tied to you.  You tell us that Jesus was before all things, and in him all things hold together.  We are held together – we have our life – through Jesus.  When I am with you (being) and as you are present in my life then as I walk with you – my doing – the things that I do – the things that I say – the things that I see, hear, feel, taste, and smell all come through your presence in me.  This is the mystery that Paul talked about that is revealed as Christ in me – the hope of glory.  It is because of Jesus in me – that I can be Jesus to others.  The bracelets that have been popular in recent years with the letters WWJD – i.e. what would Jesus do? are close but not what we should be seeking.  It is the wrong question.  The initials on the bracelet should be WWJB – i.e. what would Jesus be?  Jesus said that he does nothing except what he sees his father doing in heaven.  If we can be compassionate, gracious, slow to anger, lovingkindness, truth, covenant faithfulness, and forgiveness – the doing will flow from our being.

Be Still

Stillness seems to be a fleeting state in the world we live in.  It is not something that happens naturally.  Just as Paul said “I have learned to be content in all circumstances” I could say “I am learning to be still” (learning being the operative word).  Stillness brings thoughts of solitude and silence.  Although solitude is a state of being alone with God – silence is something you can carry throughout your day.  Stillness is something that can be a planned time or an interlude between the phone calls and e-mails of a busy day.  Being still before you God can take a moment – not unlike centering – it is about being aware and conscious of your presence – acknowledging you – and then going on.  It is a constant reminder of the silence of your love that is always present.  Being still is the calm not only before the storm – but the calm in the midst of the storm.  Being still is acknowledging God’s presence in ALL circumstances.  Being still is correlated to being content.  I have learned/am learning to be still in all circumstances – whether in quiet or in chaos – in the early morning stillness and in the busyness of the day.

Be still and KNOW

Lord, you are the one that KNOWS me.  You are the one that puts things in our hearts – the heart KNOWLEDGE that sets us free.  When you touched me two times and moved two things from my head to my heart – they were life changing experiences for me.  I went from information in my head to KNOWLEDGE in my heart.  In both cases I was and continue to be profoundly changed.  I KNOW in my heart two things.  I KNOW that you are my provider and I KNOW that you are good.  And when you planted those two pieces of KNOWLEDGE in my heart – then everything changed.  It changed because when those things became KNOWLEDGE – I know that I know that I know that I know that I know and no one can take them from me.  It is Romans 8:38/39 For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us [me] from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord [nor from the KNOWLEDGE He has placed in my heart].

Be still and know that I am

You are the great I am.  There are no words that can adequately describe you.  You are indescribable.  The I am – the first person form of the verb to be.  You are first and foremost – being.  The non-created God – who has been in existence from before eternity.  There are no words to describe you – no words that can name you in completeness – you ARE the ultimate being – you are the I AM.   You are the creator of heaven and earth.  You are the I am that spoke the world into existence.  You are infinite in your being.  I am finite.  What words can be used to describe all that you are?  There are none that will adequately describe your being.  Words are so inadequate – I use them but they will never be able to describe even one attribute of yours in any depth.  We may give a name to something – but that name is not the attribute.  What can be said other than – “Tell Pharaoh that I AM sent me.”

Be still and know that I am God

God, you are so awesome.  You are the Creator of heaven and earth.  You fill the entire universe and you love me.  You created me before the foundation of the world in your image.  Your heart is to draw me back to you – not building a robot – but creating me to be able to choose you.  I do choose you.  My heart desires to be with you.  My heart longs for you.  My heart desires to learn from you.  You are the God of all creation.  If I open my eyes – if I can see with my heart – there you are.  You are always nowhere.  You are in the present with me.  It is not you who doesn’t see me – it is me who doesn’t see you.  It is me who doesn’t know your presence.  Open the eyes of my heart Lord – I want to see you.  Open the ears of my heart Lord – I want to hear you.  Open the tongue of my heart Lord – I want to taste you.  Open the hands of my heart Lord – I want to feel you.  Open the nostrils of my heart Lord – I want to smell you.  God, I cannot comprehend you – I am finite and you are infinite.  I am nothing and you are everything.  I have blind spots – you love me anyway.  I bow before you.